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Relation Between TDS & Hardness Total in Drinking Water_Water Quality Research Analysis

Relation Between TDS & Hardness Total in Drinking Water…………..

(Primary Research Study on Water Quality as Parameters )


Dr. Tushar Shah

Research Scientist, Data Analyst, Development Anthropologist,

GBE Research Foundation.



(A)           Total Dissolve Solid: (TDS)

The total dissolve solid is most affecting containment in drinking water which
consist total amount of mobile charged ions with minerals, salts, metals and non
metals dissolved in volume of water and that can measure by mg per liter volume of
water or in parts per million as ppm. The ppm is weight to weight ratio of any ion to
water where one liter of water is common absolute total quantity of water.

The TDS is based on electrical conductivity of water where pure H2O has “0”
conductivity. The higher conductivity indicating to higher ratio of TDS in the water
and higher TDS level is caused by pressure of potassium, chlorides and sodium as
well as toxic ions as like arsenic, cadmium, nitrate and other dissolved in water
which is very harmful to human health. The Environment Protection Agency and
World Health Organization has recommended to TDS is under 500 ppm in drinking


The TDS is based on electrical conductivity of water where pure H2O has “0” conductivity. The higher conductivity indicating to higher ratio of TDS in the water and higher TDS level is caused by pressure of potassium, chlorides and sodium as well as toxic ions as like arsenic, cadmium, nitrate and other dissolved in water which is very harmful to human health. The Environment Protection Agency and World Health Organization has recommended to TDS is under 500 ppm in drinking water.


TDS in Drinking Water

The Region has most affected with containment of TDS in drinking water which highly reported in quality testing where aggregate TDS of district is more than 600 ppm so it indicating to position of water quality is not so good for drinking. The less than 500 ppm TDS has only reported 46 sample while rest of all are above than 500 ppm during period of time where only 14 percent have “A” grade quality level of drinking water while more than 65 percent has very poor quality of drinking water on basis of TDS. It clearly seeing in Table: 1.


        Table: 1      Absolute Water Quality Level on Total Dissolve Solid


Water Quality     Level















Source:      Author Self Sample Testing Data


The Bhiloda has highest absolute variation in deviation with 316.89 due to highest TDS is reported more than 2100 ppm in region while some tribal areas has found average 400-500 ppm in period of time. The tribal region as like Bhiloda & Meghraj have lowest ranked in district whereas under non-tribal region, Bayad, Idar, Talod and Pratij have higher TDS inequality with lower rank. The Himatnagar has lowest inequalities under TDS level in district then after Dhansura and Modasa have lower inequalities. The district has aggregate level of inequalities around 60 percent as whole during period of time.  



Table: 2            Composite Index of Total Dissolve Solid for Drinking Water


Region Mean SD CV Composite Index


Idar 486.15 154.99 31.88 0.712083592


Bhiloda 778.33 316.89 40.71 0.826041667


Vijaynagar 624.07 89.45 14.33 0.551851852


Meghraj 737.78 60.71 8.23 0.720987654


Bayad 654.15 123.60 18.89 0.814192849


Malpur 577.19 129.35 22.41 0.531188573


Himatnagar 505.54 132.36 26.18 0.250454921


Vadali 692.15 195.52 28.25 0.627464387


Khedbhrahma 657.77 171.68 26.10 0.564699684


Talod 720.12 78.83 10.95 0.67768672


Pratij 673.08 187.93 27.92 0.60989011


Dhansura 541.04 133.84 24.74 0.40293435


Modasa 590.21 135.37 22.94 0.443879056


Aggregate 633.66 146.96 23.35 0.594873494

Source:      Author Self Sample Testing Data


The Bhiloda has highest absolute variation in deviation with 316.89 due to highest TDS is reported more than 2100 ppm in region while some tribal areas has found average 400-500 ppm in period of time. The tribal region as like Bhiloda & Meghraj have lowest ranked in district whereas under non-tribal region, Bayad, Idar, Talod and Pratij have higher TDS inequality with lower rank. The Himatnagar has lowest inequalities under TDS level in district then after Dhansura and Modasa have lower inequalities. The region has aggregate level of inequalities around 60 percent as whole during period of time.  





(B)      Hardness Total (CaCo3)


 The hardness means minerals which dissolve in water having positive electrical charge. The hardness is not constituent of water but it due to presence of ions of Calcium & Magnesium in water So that hardness is express in Calcium Carbonate as CaCo3. The quality of water under hardness total is consider 300 mg/liter where the water hardness containment less than 75 mg/liter is soft water while 76-150 mg/liter is moderately hard and more than 150 mg/liter is hard water as per WHO. There is also weighting of Calcium & Magnesium against CaCo3 where 10 mg/liter Calcium is 24.97 mg/liter CaCo3 while 10 mg/liter Magnesium is weighting 41.18 mg/liter CaCo3 in water.


There are three main methods for removing or reduce hardness total in water first is Membrane Separation, second by Magnetic & Electronic Instrumental and third by Water Softening which including adding 0.46 mg of Sodium against per mg of hardness total in water.



Table: 3                                  Absolute Water Quality Level on Hardness Total (CaCo3)


Water Quality Level















Source:      Author Self Sample Testing Data


** Vasera Village under Bhiloda has highest 2100 TDS level as well as Dharoi & Sabarmati river water which directly going to villages  has also containing more than 1000 TDS founding in drinking water such region of district.


The region has reported every sample of water with containing more than 300 mg/liter so it has no any “A” grade for water quality during period of time. Under 500-600 hardness, it has around 6 percent sample, under 600-700, it has 5 percent sample containment whereas around 89 percent sample containing more than 700 mg/liter hardness in drinking water in district. So it indicating to total hardness level water quality has very poor conditions in regions of Sabarkantha during period of time.

Table: 4            Composite Index of Hardness Total (CaCo3) for Drinking Water


Mean SD CV Composite Index
1087.576159 323.9719 29.78843 0.541606223

Source:      Author Self Sample Testing Data


The region has minimum hardness level is 510 mg/liter and highest with 1770 mg/liter which is very higher level of containment in drinking water. The average mean of hardness is 1087 mg/liter which is very higher than acceptable quality and the variation from mean with 323.97 mg/liter and relational coefficient of variation with 30 percent in district. The water quality level under hardness is very  lower than total dissolve solid so there is arising question of any effect of total dissolve solid on hardness under water because both averagely higher in across the regions of the district.



The relation between TDS and hardness total is not liner relation but correlation of coefficient is r = 0.023532 which indicating positive relation but not liner relation between them. The scatter point is close to each other of relation where r2 = -0.0031031 indicating to model is not explaining liner relation between TDS and hardness total in drinking water.



Paired Samples Test
  Paired Differences t df Sig. (2-tailed)
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
Pair 1 TDS – HARDNESS CACO3 (MG/L) -382.0886284 -18.617 278 .000


There would be strong significant variation between and within TDS and hardness total in the drinking water of different region across the region during period of time. There would be not explaining significant under impact of TDS under Hardness but it is not means that where no effects of that’s combination to on quality of drinking water.  




United State Environment Protection Agency

  1. Bureau of Indian Standards, “Indian Standards: Drinking Water Specification: 2012”, Second Revision, Government of India, New Delhi, IS 10500, 2012.
  2. Fact Sheet, “Causes of Positive Bacteria Results in Water Samples”, Department of Environment Service, Government of New Hampshire, New Hampshire, 2010.
  3. “Hand Book on Water Quality” United Nation Children Funds, New York, 2008.
  4. Hand Book For Implementation, “Rapid Assessment of Drinking Water Quality”, World Health Organization, Geneva, 2012.
  5. Green Growth, Resources and Resilience”, Environmental Sustainability in Asia and the Pacific, United Nations and Asian Development Bank, Bangkok, 2012.
  6. “Ground Water Quality in Shallow Aquifers of India”, Central Ground Water Board, Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India, Faridabad, 2010.
  7. “Guideline for Drinking Water Quality”, 4th Edition, World Health Organization, 2011.
  8. Cowan, P. A.; Porcella, D. B.; Adams, V. D.; and Gardner, L. A., “Water Quality Analysis Laboratory Procedures Syllabus”, Utah Water Research Laboratory, Utah State University, 1978.




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